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Reforming UN – IV

International Political Science Department
– 2005 –

Part II. Consideration about the UN transformation

The nations are transforming faster in the new era of globalization, but not without to pose new problems to the international community.
The today challenges for the World Organization are multiples and difficult to deal with: – world security by prohibiting and destroying the WMD (weapons of mass destruction);
– the total war on terrorism, and the eradication of the dictatorial regimes;
– the education for every human being;
– the national and international democratization.
That is why we need a real new construction and new principles for the UN.

1. Principles for the construction
a. Membership responsibility
First of all, the membership quality and the responsibility should be accepted and respected by every UN member. The organization cannot function properly and cannot have authority if the component states don’t respect the human being and if the law that governs the correct relation between states is undermined.
Therefore, the respect for human rights must be the condition for admission. No dictatorial or any tyrannical regime could have the right to become member of UN.
Only the equal attitude regarding the respect and protection of human rights should be a condition for equal chance to be admitted in the UN executive departments or bodies.

b. UN military force

A new and powerful military force must replace the inefficient UN military force unable to impose the international law and to intervene rapidly if necessary.
One of the most shameful examples of the weakness of UN is the tragic experience of the ethnic genocide in Rwanda that cost the life of over 100,000 people in the conflict between Tutsi and Hutu, when the ONU military force was unable to intervene for stopping the killings.
Probably, NATO should be the core of this new UN security force.

c. The Security Council reconstruction

The Security Council should be empowered to act without hesitation and without compromise to any dangerous situation for humanity.

The big problem is the veto right of the permanent members.

If the Security Council members have individual interests that are antagonistic to other members, such executive body cannot act properly. The Security Council will not be able to achieve the consensus and to take decision when the world security will be at risk.

Today, a real danger is the aggressive nuclear game played by the Iranian government on the International stage. Some of the Security Council members are reluctant and opposes to a strict control and to the international sanctions against Iran, even if the Iranian president Ahmadinejad threaten with the nuclear proliferation by sharing the nuclear technology with other Arabic and Muslims countries.
The credibility and the existence of the Security Council and UN are totally compromised if Russia, China and India with a population of 2.3 billion people and a GDP of almost $12 trillion, bigger than the USA GDP, are opposing to a rapid and decisive international action against the Iranian blackmail.

The increase of the number of the Security Council permanent members is a part of the under the United Nation transformation. There is a big pressure to perform this task.
An option is to take in consideration the population and the economical power.
Other option is to give more voting power to the developing countries.
On the other hand, the European Union is struggling to become a new pole of power by transforming itself from a powerful economic international organization, to a sort of Federation with a single foreign policy and with its own military force. In this condition, the existence of the seats in the General Assembly for every member of the EU will break the balance of power. Indeed, Europe becomes the most influential factor of decision of UN with almost 30 votes for one decision. Even in a potential extended Security Council, EU will have a great power with France, Great Britain, EU and Germany voting as one.
Of course, the transformation of UN is a collective task and probably will be a compromise in rebuilding a new credible Security Council.
But it’s critical that only regimes with a proven internal democracy should be admitted as members of the Security Council to protect and to decide the defense of the humanity future.

The veto right should be eliminated.

Part I. – The analysis of today UN stereotypes
1. Principles of non-intervention
2. Principles of Compensation – International Affirmative Action
3. Principles of Compensation – North-South False Dichotomy
Part II. – Consideration about the UN transformation
2. Methods of democratization